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I'm Back (Again)

It’s been a year since I’ve given an update or posted on my site. What a difference a year makes!!! Right after I did my August challenge last year my hemoglobin levels where extremely low and no one knew why or what was going on with me. I ended up going to a Hematologist. He diagnosis me with Anemic. Once he determines I suffer from a lack of iron in my blood he sent me on a world win of appointments. My doctor also requested that I get iron infusion to help supplement what I’m lacking. So there I was in the center getting the infusion and scared out of my mind. Even thou I was getting the infusion no one really knew why. I ended up going to a GYN where she stops my menstrual cycles in order to help build my iron. This all happen in November. I had a happy and joyous Christmas.

Then 2020 happen to me in the worse way…

Now, I’m back and better than I was. With a renewed “why” and a search for a more balance life and all that includes. It’s my time to get it together and keep it that way. Do I plan on becoming a size two? NO! My process will always to be a size beautiful! Happy Releasing!

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