Upcoming Class (North Myrtle Beach, SC)
Doing what I love and helping others in the process remains to be my goal. Join me Labor Day weekend for some dancing, giveaways, and...
Clean Out Your Closet
Have you every looked in your closet and saw a dress you have not wore in about 2 or more years. What did you do? If your, like me you...

Talk Tuesday Interview with Erica
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his/her future by merely changing his/her attitude.” ~Oprah Winfrey Erica...
Behind the Scene
Watch and enjoy a look into my photo shoot size beautiful!!!
Week Two "Get Fit 2015"
Have you ever had an item in your closet that you tell yourself "next year I'll be in the item"? Then the next year comes and you are...

Day Three Giveaway!!!
Day One giveaway was great!!! (Facebook) Day Two!!! Amazing!!! (Website) Day Three: Pick a number between 0-447!!! Comment on Facebook...