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Speaker, Blogger, and inspiring Author Melonie Edge inspires people to live a healthier lifestyle. She’s on a journey to become a size “healthy” and her progress so far has inspired hundreds to take their own steps toward healthy.

For most of her life, Melonie found comfort in food. Food was her constant companion, the one place she could go and release all the emotions she wrestled daily. Her childhood was rough, but she refused to give up. So when her doctor told her that her diabetes was out of control and that she’d need to go on insulin, she knew she’d have to fight back again.

Melonie knows that fad diets don’t work, because she has tried every single one of them, and they have each failed her. She started working out with a few friends, but soon she was alone at the gym. But when someone at the gym asked her where her crew was, she let him know, “Their impact in the gym with never affect my output.” At the end of the day, each person has to make a decision about what’s important to them. And she decided her health was important enough to show up solo every day. She found success when she got in the gym and found something she loved, and that something was Zumba! Melonie has become a Zumba fanatic, and the results have been amazing. Now she has  become a Zumba instructor!

There’s no magic bullet to weight loss, but after Melonie finally discovered what works for her, she became passionate about helping others achieve better health, too. Sometimes a little inspiration can go a long way! So Melonie created the “There is No Edge” program. Through online community, people find encouragement and inspiration to take the steps the will change their lives. There Is No Edge is a place where people who have been struggling alone can get up the courage to take a chance on themselves, and become a size healthier.

Melonie is known for her quirky smile—no matter how bad things get, she tries to smile anyway. She’s working hard to shed the weight, but her guilty pleasure is Cheesecake Factory. Since she doesn’t love the idea of life without it, she treats herself whenever she Zumbas away another ten pounds.

Ready to get started? Click on over to or find Melonie on Facebook at or Youtube Melonie would love to hear your story and cheer you on toward living the life you want! 




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