August Challenge 2019
For the month of August, I decided to step outside the box and do a challenge to get me motivated. I have not actually taken a walk in about 6months to a year. I’ve done water aerobics, exercise class, and even some at home workouts. I’m scared at what this could mean for me. I’m not ready for these miles but I’m very determine. So 31 miles in 31 days is not just a hashtag for me. It’s the real thing. I started on August 1stand only was able to do ½ mile but I’m confident that soon I will be running circles around a mile. If you would like to join me in this challenge I would really love that but if not just being accountability partner to me is more than enough. Yes, I’m using you guys as my accountability partners. We are not in this together! Lego! My second challenge for this month is a water challenge. Time to increase my water and flush out all the bad and make room for all the good. I know most doctors say you should drink about ½ your body weight in water. Well, I’m starting with 3000 ml and soon will be up to a full gallon. For me that means I will have to attempt to not drink so much tea. Cutting back on my favorite drink will be interesting to say the least. Hopefully I will not have a major withdrawal from tea. Only time will tell and I will keep you all posted. This month changes with be made and mind over matter will be challenged. Happy Releasing.