Over 400 Back to Me

Happy New Years!!! A new year with new goals and new challenges. I did this video to let you all know the good, bad, and all that in between. For me a highlight for 2016 I had a picture go viral on Facebook. Yes, me! I could not believe that it happens. I release a similar picture a week prior and didn’t get much response. Putting my picture on there I never thought I would get so much response. This made my year and made me feel like I’m reaching people on my journey. My journey has always been on “inspiring other’s thru life’s test”. The fact that this went viral shows I am helping the missives out. The picture had 10,020 shares, 963 comments, and 3.1K likes. In between was facing a fear of and going to the Zumba Convention. I know a lot of people would say that a convention would not be something to be afraid of but the truth is that I don’t look like a typical instructor. I have more fluffy curves then the average person. Lol! Facing not know if I could hang all week doing Zumba and the looks had me terrified. However, I went and excelled at the convention and got two new certifications. I’m most proud of never given up on my dream that turned into a goal. My “in between moment” The bad happen when I went to the doctor and found out I was over 400 lbs. again. Immediately I was hit with depression. A long string of knee injuries and sickness didn’t help the situation any. I knew something had to be done. So, I took it back to the basic and turned it around. Even though I may not be where I was which was 370, I’m well on my way back there. The way I have decide to accomplished this is with my January challenge. For 31 days, I’m taking it back to the basic and doing a reboot to get my life back on track. This year I have goals to accomplish this year. In order, to accomplish you must get back to the basic. I will be loading a video soon with the 3 basic steps I will be taking for this month. My word of the year consistency!